Parenting a Rebellious Child

We are usually happy when we hear the news that we are going to be parents but we are never fully prepared for what we might face. We plan for our children before even they are born on the kind of people we want them to be. We even chose for them the people they are going to associate with. This is not a bad thing but our children are born with a mind and personality of their own. This is to say that our children are likely to choose their own path that is different from what we want for them. We may think that we are the ones to blame because of maybe the parenting style we used earlier on in their life but we should also consider that our children are unique people from us. In this article, we will have an overview of how to raise a rebellious child.

It is the most heart breaking moment when you tell your child to do something and they refuse outright or indirectly. When your child acts in a rebellious way there is always a reason behind the behaviour and this may include seeking attention, frustration, or even testing your limits. Getting time to understand your child and know why they are behaving in a rebellious way is a breakthrough towards the solution. There are also other disorders that can make your child act out this way such as Oppositional Defiance Disorder or other emotional related disorder.

Your children need to be aware of your family rules and what you expect of them. This way you can hold them accountable for their actions without them having a feeling that they are being treated unfairly. Family rules are best introduced to your children when they are in good terms with you and not after an argument or incident. When telling them your rules observe their reaction and see if they are comfortable with them. Let them give their views and be open to incorporate some of their views. Involving them in the rule making will reduce their chances of being rebellious. Spell out age appropriate behaviours that you will tolerate and the ones that you will not tolerate and will have consequences. When you experience your child misbehaving it is not recommended that you react at once but inform them that you do not approve of the behaviour and they will face consequences for it at a later time. This period gives you time to calm down because disciplining your child when you are angry you are also likely to make some mistakes. It also gives your child time to calm and reflect on their poor decisions. Be sure to make your child accountable for their behaviour because when you give empty threats they are likely to get used to it.

Your children need to know who the parent is and who the child is. As a parent you have to be a dictator at times though not all the time. This will help you retain your power as a parent and makes it easier for you to tell your children what to do. When you engage yourself in an argument with your child you are actually giving them power. Your child will have a perception that you are equal and this may make it had for you to control them when they act in a rebellious manner. Withdraw yourself calmly from a power struggle and tell your child what the consequences will be when they do not do what you say. When you do that and leave you are taking the power with you and your child regardless of how sad they are they will be obligated to comply. When your child is old enough to understand the consequences of their actions then you are in a position to maintain consistency on the type of behaviours that you can tolerate. When your child throws in some rebellious behaviour and you do not enforce the consequences then they may get used to it. Do not bargain with your child or give them gifts to behave better because when you do that the next time you do not give them a gift you are in for a rebellion treat.

Parenting is demanding as it is already and when you engage in everything then it becomes more tiresome. How you spend your energy will determine how you will raise your children because it needs energy. It will be very difficult to change your child’s mind when you have not changed your attitude as a parent. It is almost impossible to make your child happy every day and at the same time instil good behaviours in them. Disciplining can be said to be the hardest part of parenting since you intentionally make your child sad or mad at you by telling them what to do or making them accountable for their actions. It is good to choose your battles wisely with your child because some behaviours are not tolerated but they are harmless thus you can turn a blind eye on them. Things that will not affect your child’s or other people’s life in the long run there is no harm in letting them proceed with it.

Our children do not like to be punished or forced to be accountable for their wrong decisions. Children can be rebellious when they think that the punishment you are giving them is unfair. Give age appropriate consequences to the wrong actions that your child makes. Inform them why you are disciplining them when you make them face the consequence so that they know why they are being punished. Building on the positive actions will make your child more determined to do the right thing. Praise them when they portray positive behaviour or when you notice they are trying. When they are making an effort and they do not do exactly what you want encourage them because critic or punishing them will kill their morale and you will have the rebellious child that you were trying to reform.

Our children look up to us as their first role models and they try as much as they can to emulate what we do. When we are telling our children to behave in a certain way and they are rebellious it is maybe they are emulating what we are portraying to them. Raise your child the best way you think it is possible for them to be the best people they can be in future.


Causes and Ways to Prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

Parenting is one of the most unpredictable jobs that parents have. We never have the exact manual of how we are supposed to take care and raise our children because of the complexity and diversity of the human nature. We read books and other parenting material to help us get the rough idea on how to go about some aspects of parenting. However, there are some aspects concerning our new-borns that are universal like colic, SIDS, and other infant related diseases and disorders. Statistics indicate that SIDS claims approximately 2500 infant lives each year in United States and over 300 in the UK. This shows the alarming state of this syndrome on infants. In this article, we will analyse the causes and means by which as a parent you can prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

Most of SIDS occurs during the first six months of your infant’s life and this is the period that they are in a greater risk. However, it can affect a child up to one year. The syndrome is more common in baby boys, children who are born prematurely, and children with low birth weight but we cannot rule the fact that every child below the age of one year is at risk of SIDS. The causes exact causes of SIDS are not well known though there are some factor that are attributed to these syndrome and they include:

The physical and the health condition of your child are more likely to make them vulnerable to the syndrome. Children born prematurely or with low birth weight are at high risk compared to their counterparts. Environmental stresses are also attributed to contributing to the syndrome. Breathing obstruction, smoking of tobacco, minor illness, and also co-sleeping with your child has been associated with this syndrome. Most of the SIDS deaths occur when your baby is asleep and it is said that your child may have problems in the way they respond to these stresses. There are no definite causes that are scientifically proven but there are tips and means that you can use to reduce your child’s risk. The ways to prevent SIDS may include the following:

Your baby is at a higher risk of SIDS when they sleep on their stomach. When your baby is still young and they have not developed the skill of rolling over when they are asleep, you are advised to put them on their back. Placing your baby to sleep on the side they have a likelihood that they can roll and end up sleeping on their stomach. It is very rare for babies to choke and you do not have to be worried about your baby choking when they are sleeping on their back. At the age of 6 months most babies have mastered the skill of rolling over and you can let them chose their sleeping position. Your baby’s crib plays a bigger role in making your baby vulnerable if some things are not considered. Use a firm mattress in your baby’s crib, remove all the stuffed pillows and toys, or crib bumpers. This will help you reduce the risk of suffocation or smothering of your child. When you are covering your baby cover them not past their shoulders and tuck in the blanket so that they cannot pull it over their faces.

When you are in a position to breastfeed your babies do it as much as you can. Research indicates that breastfeeding reduces the risk of SIDS to up to 50%.  The breast milk can also help boost your baby’s immune system thus preventing them from illnesses that may increase their risk of developing SIDS. Drinking alcohol while you are breastfeeding can increase the risks of your baby suffering SIDS. There is also the option of immunizing your baby according to the recommendations of your paediatrician and CDC. In case your baby is suffering from GERD it is advisable that you strictly follow the paediatrician recommendation on sleeping positions and feeding.

Honey is very sweet but it can have massive effects on your child. When your baby is under the age of one year old, try as much as possible not to give them honey. It can cause botulism which is closely associated with SIDS because of the bacteria that comes along with it. Keeping your baby from overheating is also a possible way of reducing the risk. You can maintain a warm room temperature and dress your infant with light and comfortable clothes. It is advisable to use sheets as your baby can get tangled in the blanket and pull it over their face thus suffocating them.

Pacifiers can be used to when your child is still an infant when they are going to sleep. The uses of pacifiers are related with the risk of SIDS but if your baby does not want the pacifiers then do not force it on them. However, when you are breastfeeding it is recommended that you wait until one month after your child’s birth to introduce the pacifier for breastfeeding to establish. When you introduce it too soon to your baby, they may end up preferring the pacifier nipple to yours.

Taking care of your pregnancy can also contribute majorly in reducing the risk. The baby still grows and develops while they are in the stomach and this can affect how they cope with the outside world. Drinking alcohol and smoking while pregnant exposes your child to the risk. When you smoke you place your baby at the risk of SIDS three times than the non-smokers. This is just an indicator of how taking care of your pregnancy is vital to your child’s life as also children born with low birth-weights are at high risk. You may not be the one smoking but also being near smokers makes you a second hand smoker and with your infant in the vicinity then they are at high risk of SIDS.

There are no defined and scientifically proven medical methods that have the capability of reducing your child’s exposure to the syndrome. However, our daily routines at home with our infants play a major role. In case of any abnormalities your paediatrician can advise you further on what to do. It is a great pain that parents go through when they lose a baby that I would not wish any parent to go through. I hope this article helps you keep your baby safe and healthy.


Preparing Your Child for Kindergarten

Does your child need to be prepared to start pre-school? Most parents nowadays seem to overlook this simple task of preparing their child for kindergarten. Actually, most parents find it easier to prepare themselves in terms of starting to pay school fees and in terms of who will drop and pick the child to and from school. In this article, we are going to evaluate the benefits of preparing children for kindergarten and also how to go about preparing them for this major transition in their lives. That will in turn answer our question of whether children really need to be prepared for pre-school.

As it has been, kindergarten is an approach to education, which entails curricular activities, that is, learning, and extra-curricular activities such as singing, playing, drawing, social interaction, and communication skills. These activities play an important role in helping children transition to elementary school and also to life in general since they get the opportunity to build up on the skills acquired in pre-school and throughout their lives. Normally, the appropriate age for going to kindergarten is five to seven years; however, parents who are working often opt to introduce their children to kindergarten as early as the age of four years. We can, therefore, see that kindergarten plays another important role of familiarizing the children with the real school environment.

Preparing your child for kindergarten is a task that is important because on being enrolled, the child will now be exposed to an environment different from which they have been used to. This might not be as easy for your child as it may seem. The human psychology inclines us to stay in our comfort zones and that is why we do not easily adapt to change especially children. It is your work as a parent, therefore, to gradually prepare your child for this change. Since it should be gradual and with your child’s pace, it should start as early as possible to avoid pressuring your child and inadequate preparation.

Pay attention to your child’s interaction skills

Your child’s social life is paramount when it comes to kindergarten preparation because in school, the activities your child will be involved in are centered on their social life, which is their ability to interact with others, ability to communicate, ability to follow instructions and how well they are able to work with others. Your work as a parent is to make sure that your child is good with groups and that he or she is a team player, sharing such things as toys and being able to do things as directed or instructed. Taking your child to events like birthdays, and places like play grounds and libraries will help with their ability to be comfortably fit in groups thus improving their social skills.

Encourage your child’s knowledge of self

Not only should your child be aware and cautious of others, but he or she should also have a good measure of self-awareness or knowledge. As a parent, ensure that your child can easily say and spell out their name, know how old they are, their home address, their parents or home phone numbers, their parents’ names, what their parents do for a living, their family structure and also several names of their various body parts. This will give your child a sense of identity and will feel that they know themselves. It also helps them to avoid being caught off-guard on their first day at school as opposed to the usual state of quietness and unfamiliarity that comes with day one at school. Here, you as a parent should also work on boosting your child’s confidence and belief in self. This goes a long way in making sure that your child does not feel inferior even when they get something wrong in class.

Work on your child’s ease with physical activity

This, in a way, will help your child develop their fine motor skills which will in turn help their writing abilities. As a parent, you can help by giving your child some handy tasks around the house. For instance, fixing broken toys, tightening bolts, drawing, playing with water and sands, and any other manual activity that will engage their fingers and limb muscles as long as it will not be a strain to them. This will highly help in their coordination skills.

Instill your child with knowledge

Instilling knowledge in your child will essentially expand your child’s mind. As a parent, you can do this by informally educating your child with basic things around the house. You can have your child read out the alphabets, as well as numbers while pointing at them. In addition, let them spell out and write their names. This knowledge might a times be passed over unconsciously when a reading environment and culture is upheld. Learning and identifying different colors correctly is also an important bit of knowledge that should be passed down. Your child can easily master this by allowing them to color pictures, group things around the house according to color and sizes and also by asking them to sort and arrange their clothes and toys by color.

Take time as a parent to teach your child about some simple words that might easily confuse them. For example, teach them to easily identify things that are the same and things that are different by mixing up things and letting them do the separation. It will also prove helpful to teach them how to describe things using simple and easy-to-grasp adjectives such as “beautiful”. Introduce to them words like beside, above, under, and next to, by sending them to put things at specific places.

Take a pre tour to the school

Usually kindergartens have scheduled formal pre visits for parents and children wishing to join them. However, you can always take informal visits with your child at different times so that your child can see and get familiar with the various activities that take place at different times of the day. Your child could also play with games facilities available in the school during weekends. Also, orient your child with where the washrooms are and what every room in the school compound is used for.

In conclusion, preparing your child for kindergarten is important as it orients the child and prepares them for what to expect and for the change they are about to face. Parents should, therefore, devote themselves and their time to start these preparations as early as possible, say a year before enrolment, for their children to be adequately prepared and so that the change of environment and activities would not be drastic and sudden.





Effects of Absent Parents on Their Children

The society is changing and so do most of its social institutions. Family is the basic unit of socialization and with the changing society, the family has undergone drastic changes. Parents love their children and we all wish we could be there and experience all the little steps they make in their lives. We are busy with our careers or other aspects that we basically become providers in our children’s lives rather than parents. In an ideal world, children should live with both parents who are both emotionally and financially stable. In this article, we will critically examine the effects of parents on their children.


We are living in a society where we have so many internally displaced parents (IDPs). Children look up to their families to teach them the culture, norms, beliefs, and the way of life that is considered acceptable to the society they are in. We teach our children the basic emotions of love vs. hate, trust vs. mistrust, and dependency vs. independency. As a parent, you play a big role in building up your child’s emotional stability. You and your partner play a major role in your child’s growth and development and the absenteeism of one or both of you, has a significant effect on your child. For example, fathers are viewed as masculine and the head of the house, and this gives the child a sense security and safety. When the father is absent, your child is likely to develop behavioral problems. This comes in naturally as a defense mechanism to camouflage the fear, abandonment, and unhappiness that they feel. When the mother is not around, the children are forced to grow up fast especially the girls, because their mothers play the primary role of caregiving. The girl will grow up fast to assume and take up the caregiver role thus denying your child their childhood.


Emotional development of your child has a direct impact on their brain development. Although sometimes we may be physically present, being emotionally absent has tremendous effect on your child’s development. Some emotions hinder the child from exploring their surrounding and building their own personality. When the child sees that other children have both parents, they usually start blaming themselves for the missing parent. The love provided by both parents cannot be replaced by anything no matter how confortable you try to make your child. This emotional pit that your child finds themselves in creates a low self-esteem personality. Children with low self-esteem are usually shy from expressing themselves for fear of criticism among other factors. This reduces their interaction with their surrounding thus slowing down their brain development.

A loving and stable family provides a conducive environment for your child to thrive. With one or both parents absent, it alters the stability of your child. Academic excellence is greatly associated with the availability of the parents. Our children are in constant motion to do things that will make their parents proud of them and since the society is academic excellence oriented, it becomes the priority of your child to excel in it. When one or both parents are absent, your child lacks the motivation that they need to perform well in school. Your child may not be a slow learner, but since they lack the motivation they do not care about their grades or academic performance. This may later result to your child dropping out of school.

When you are absent from your child’s life, they either blame themselves or the society for their loss. Delinquent criminal behavior and the absence of a father in a child’s life are closely associated. Your child becomes consumed with anger that sprouts as a result of feeling abandoned. They view a complete family as a source of love and happiness and since they lack it, they tend to be rebellious against the society because they view life as unfair to them. Single mothers have to work extra hard, exceeding their limits to be able to provide. This also frustrates your children because they view it as a suffering to their mothers and that the society is contributing to it by over working her. As a result, your child will create a hostile personality towards the society as a payback mechanism.

Our children are very smart and they grasp verbal and tactic ques without us even realizing it. They look up to us and emulate what we do because they perceive that as the right thing to do. Your child needs both parents to be able to know the various aspects of life. Both you and your partner play a unique role in the life of your child and when one or both parents are absent, there is a huge gap that is left in your child’s life. Mothers are known to be caring, loving, compassionate, and caregivers, while fathers are known to be the protectors and the authoritative figures, and loving as well. Studies indicate that those children who grow without their fathers are likely to be rebellious and frequently find themselves on the wrong side of the law. The child will also grow not knowing how to interact with the gender of the absent parent. This does not only become a problem during childhood, but also stretches up to adulthood.

Children with an absent parent are likely to be marginalized by their peers because as children, their peers will not understand why your child is missing one or both parents. They are likely to be asked questions that they will not only be unable to answer, but will also hurt them. They are viewed as different by their peers because they do not understand why your child is missing a parent(s).

Childhood is a very delicate stage in the human life because it shapes the person that you will become in the future. Parents play a great role in ensuring that their children have the best childhood possible. They also have a collective responsibility of instilling desirable behaviors that are considered acceptable to the society. The emotional stability of your child is the most important as it will help in their cognitive development and this is why children need both of their parents in their lives.




Visual Speaks Volumes than Verbal

Multiple can be really exciting and challenging at the same time. You have to do the same task twice or even more at the same time depending on the number of children that you have. Big-up to technology because now you can know if your pregnancy is singleton or multiple through scan. This gives you a chance to prepare well for the birth and taking care of the little once. There are common gifts that friends and family bring to the new parents but you have a chance to make your gift exciting and fun. Whatever you can say if you write it and it is visual it makes more impact than saying it. I introduce to you this awesome t-shirt that will just make the day of anyone who reads the wordings on sight.


This is a unisex t-shirt and it can be worn both by you and your spouse. It indicates that you are having fun being parents to twins. It can be a great gift to a mother who has just given birth and also to the father of the babies. It just makes congratulation for birth much more hilarious and unique. You are able to get a variety of this t-shirt in terms of sizes and colors and the fabric is just amazing and you will be very comfortable wearing it. Children can also get their parents this t-shirt to show their appreciation for having a twin. “One Bullet Two Babies” is just a t-shirt that you cannot miss in your closet if you have twins.

When you are about to be a father you panic especially for new fathers because you are going to be the provider and guardian of another human being who later will have diverse reasoning because of difference in personality but you still have to guide them through the proper way. It is something that no matter how many parental or advices you get the experience will be totally different. This is because children have a different personality and character which makes parenting them a whole new manual. Fathers try their best to be ultimate dad to their children and I acknowledge and applaud them for their efforts. It is can be hectic to balance work, social life, and fatherhood but dads always try to give the best at each. This is what makes our dads the best in the whole world.


This t-shirt is a gift to all dads that acknowledges the efforts and roles that our dads play in our lives. We do not need them to be perfect we just want them to be okay and that gives both the dad and their children to continue growing together. It can be a heartwarming gift to get for your dad on their birthday or Father’s Day. They will feel appreciated and their efforts were not in vein. There is no gift that we can give our parents that can measure up for all that they have done for us and simple catchy gifts like this one makes an impact on acknowledging their parenting. You can purchase this and many more t-shirts with great messages on Amazon if you follow the link below.



Do Not Say It, Wear It!!

All babies are beautiful and they come with a great responsibility because they require proper care and attention from inception. I appreciate and applaud all the mothers all over the world for the sacrifices they make immediately they realize that they are expectant. Babies depend on their mothers for everything when they are in the womb. Women have to change their diets so that they only take healthy food that will supplement their pregnancy. They have to physically take good care of themselves because they are taking care of not just themselves. It takes a great effort to deliver healthy babies and this deserves a pat on the back.


You can buy this t-shirt as a gift for your partner to show appreciation for the efforts that they put during and after pregnancy. Children can also buy this t-shirt for their mothers to show them that they appreciate the fact that they are their mom. The t-shirt is likely to draw a lot of positive attention because the message on it is more than what catches the eye. The t-shirt indicates that you appreciate your children and that you also love, appreciate, and enjoy motherhood. It is also a fun and efficient way to remind your children that they are beautiful. This simple statement can really do wonders on your child’s self-esteem and personality. The shirts are available online and you can purchase them on Amazon at really affordable prices. The shipping is free for all eligible orders and there are variety in terms of colors and sizes and you can be sure to get exactly what you are looking for.

There is no perfect parenting or parenting style that we are supposed to follow. We incorporate what we think is right and good for our children and hooray to us because we do a great job. Moms do sacrifice a lot to ensure that their children are happy and safe. We work more than two jobs a day and we do another one that we are not paid for throughout called being a mother. The whole world celebrates a single day for all mothers across the world but I think everyday mothers should be celebrated because motherhood is the toughest job but we gladly do it.


This t-shirt is meant to appreciate all the mothers and you can buy it for anyone who is a mother. It would be a great motivation to a mother to not be told that they are the best but to actually wear it. The t-shirt “World’s Okayest Mom” is a great gift to a mother and you can conveniently purchase it online from Amazon. Our mums are the okayest for more reasons than we can even count and no matter of words can show exactly how we feel about them but just tell they are the best because they try even in complex situations that do not have solutions. You will get free shipping for all eligible orders. Follow the link to this and many more awesome t-shirts





Ooopss!! I Said It!!

Children are creative and it is amazing what they can do or say to please their parents. All children want is to make their parents proud of them. I see pictures children draw to represent them and their families and it is just heartwarming. Daughters are believed to be their dad’s favorite but this is not very true as dad’s love all their children equally. There are numerous ways that you can tell your dad how amazing they are but there are very few ways in which you can shout to the whole world how awesome your dad is without appearing insane. Our dads go a great deal for us to ensure that we are safe and happy and to be honest when we are around the streets with our dad’s we feel safest.

The t-shirt “I’m a Proud Daughter of a Freaking Awesome Dad” is for our dads to show them how lucky we feel we are to show them. Mothers can buy their daughters this t-shirts to surprise their dads with especially when your dad was away for some time. It can be worn in informal occasions because it is decent and has a powerful message. Daughters miss their fathers when they are not around and buying them this t-shirt may remind them that their dads love despite the distance and that is what makes them awesome. The t-shirts could also be used at a time when daddy is facing some difficult time in life to remind dad that they are awesome and they will make it through whatever they are facing.

It is said like father like son and that makes our sons little men in the house when dad is away. Sons look up to their fathers to be their role models and they emulate almost everything that their dads do. It can be hard to be a single parent and when you are only raised by your dad they are special men and they deserve the title of “Freaking Awesome Dad”. It makes a dad proud to think that their sons think highly of them and some day they want to be just like them.


This t-shirt is for a message to the world that your dad is the best and even if you were to chose a dad it would still be him. There are various colors and bright colors can be used to catch attention so that someone can read what is written on the t-shirt and there are also cool dark colors we all know how playful and messy our boys can be. The t-shirt can be worn anytime because it is a child’s attire and on occasions that family, friends, or any social gathering is meeting together it may provide wonderful environment to praise your dad to all that will be present. The shirts can be purchased online at very affordable praises so that all the children can have fun at the same time make their dads smile by simply wearing a t-shirt. They are available on Amazon and do not worry about shipping because we will handle it for free for all eligible orders. To get the t-shirt follow the link and you will be amazed by the variety that you will find.


Say It Out Loud With a T-Shirt by Natalie L. S. West

Have you ever had something in your mind that you wish you could shout out loud for the whole world to know? There are so many things that we are proud about or wish we could share with others but we just keep it to ourselves. This gave me an idea for all the parent and their children to express themselves through clothing.

When you walk around with your lovely wife or girlfriend who is pregnant and everyone keeps congratulating her and they forget to congratulate you, you feel like you can remind them that I am also part of this. It is a blessing to be pregnant and you should equally share the fun especially when you are going out with your partner. This exciting idea gave birth to men’s t-shirt so that you can equally share the fun that comes with pregnancy.


This is a fun t-shirt to show a man owning up to the pregnancy and being proud of it. Ladies you can buy this t-shirt as a present for your man to show them that you appreciate them for being the father of your baby. Pregnancy is a journey and women need as much moral and emotional support as they can get. You will be surprised at how simple gesture as wearing this t-shirt will make your partner happy. Men you can wear it when you going for a clinic visit or just out with your partner. You can get various colors for various occasions as they are in a variety of colors and sizes to suit your preferences. The t-shirt can be purchased on Amazon at very affordable prices. The shipping is free for all eligible orders.

There are a lot of challenges that come with parenting but that do not stop us from loving unconditionally our children. Fatherhood is not an easy road as you have to re-adjust your life once you have a baby. There are a lot of thing you used to consider as fun that you will have to do away with once you have a child. When you become the first dad in your circle of friends you become like the reference point of fatherhood to your friends. What a better way to enjoy fatherhood and let the whole world know it by simply saying it out loud with a t-shirt.

This can be a present to fathers to appreciate all the sacrifices they make in their lives just to make us happy and comfortable. It takes any man to be a father but it takes a special man to be a Papa. Fathers can also buy this t-shirt for themselves to indicate to their families that they are happy to be in the position they are in. It can be worn on any occasion that celebrates the achievement of your child or one of those days that you wake up and feel that your family is the best thing that ever happened to you. The t-shirt can be purchased online on Amazon and they are available in different sizes and colors.


It Is Not Just a T-shirt

Family bonds in different ways and meal time provides the perfect environment for bonding. Cooking is an art that most mothers have mastered and some family recipes are passed from one generation to the next which kind of makes cooking like a family identity. It takes time, patience, and passion to make a good warm meal for the family. We may thank our moms after meals but we can also show them how much we love their cooking through expressing it on us. By that I mean literary showing off our appreciation for our mother’s cooking to the world by wearing a t-shirt that has that information on it.

“My Mom Can Cook Better than Your Mom” t-shirt was designed to showcase that we can chose our mother’s cooking over any other persons. It is an appreciation to our mother’s to show them in action that they are actually the best cooks. We can surprise our moms with this t-shirt during thanksgiving, Christmas, Birthdays, or any event that may involve your mom’s cooking. It gives the mother utmost joy and pride to know that her family appreciates and loves her food. Dads can help surprise the mum with their kids by arranging to whole family to wear the t-shirts during a meal time to just express their gratitude. The t-shirts can be purchased online on Amazon and you can get a variety of sizes and colors. Click on the link to get the best of these t-shirts. 3

There are times that we see our parents going through hard times and we wish we could do something to change the situation and just make them smile again. Also sometimes we let our parents down unintentionally and we feel remorseful that we lack words to express how sorry we are for disappointing them. Then I thought how a hug can move a wave of emotion and create a perfect bonding environment.

We know that our parents are busy because they are working hard to make ends meet so that we live a comfortable life. We miss them because they are away most of the time and just wish we could see them and just let them know how we love them. A simple hug speaks volumes and it says more than what you can express in words.

This t-shirt was designed to let you speak up your emotions without saying a single word. It will be comforting to your parents to know that a hug is all that you need from them in the middle of whatever you or your family is going through. It can be worn at any time of the day or occasion even when you are sick and your parents are worried to their brim about you. There are a wide array of sizes and colors of this type of t-shirt that you can get. To purchase this t-shirt online on Amazon you can follow the link Keep Calm and Give Me a Hug. Create a warm environment for affection through wearing a t-shirt.


I Can’t Talk Read My T-Shirt

Children are a blessing and we love them so much we cannot deny that but have you ever wished they came with a manual of how to handle and raise them. Each stage that your child reaches has its own challenges other stages take a big toll on us than others. One of the most challenging stages that your child goes through is getting them to sleep throughout the night. There are numerous sleep associated problems in children that sometimes you just wish there was automatic switch that you could press and your child goes back to sleep. It is a difficult stage that you can pop a celebration bottle when you are passed it. You can make it a fun thing to remember by buying your child a t-shirt to indicate a certain stage that both of you passed successfully.


This t-shirt is high quality clothing that allows you and your child to have a fun in their sleep stage. When your child is grown you can still buy them the t-shirt to act as a reminder of how they used to act when you wanted them to go to sleep. You can also buy for your baby to cloth them one of those days that you are tired and you just want them to sleep but since they cannot talk the t-shirt reminds you that you have to nurse them to sleep. You can get a variety of colors such as navy, royal blue, asphalt, silver, black, among many others. There are also different sizes to fit your preferences. You can follow the link I Have No Off Button to get a taste of this awesome t-shirts.

When you are pregnant you are likely to experience some physical, emotional, and even mental changes because of the alteration in your hormonal levels. Weight gain is mostly experienced by most pregnant women who at times may have esteem issues because of the weight gain. Emotional and support physical support is something that your partner will really need during this amazing journey. Making your spouse have fun during this period will go a long way in making a stable emotional and mental state of your partner.

Both you and your partner can wear this t-shirt when you are out, a clinic visit, or any informal occasion that two of you will be together to make the fun about the pregnancy weight gain. Making fun of aspects that cause emotional stability is likely to boost your emotional stability. It is also a way to show the whole world that we are in this together. With very little effort your partner will feel more supported and even improve the bond between you. You are able to get t-shirts of various sizes that will fit you perfectly and rock that baby weight. There are also different colors to match your preferences and the best thing is that the shipment fee is free for all eligible orders. Make your partner happy and comfy with this funny elegant t-shirt. Shop it online on amazon by clicking the link below.